Challenge accepted. :) it took me a while, but this short piece of writing immediately came to mind as one that might fit the bill. I decided to make this post a journaling prompt so that anyone reading could respond and thus keep the spirit of the “daisy chain” going.


As an eldest sister myself (who is mourning the passing of my beloved younger brother ten years ago), it is truly a sacred calling. I don’t know if my own child will get to have siblings, which pains me, but I know that the moments of protection and play I gave to my brother live on in the way I mother my little boy now. Not to mention the way I relate to my young students. And that brings me joy. I am wishing your daughter a similarly meaningful journey as a future protector and playmate to her sibling and to others on her path.

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Oh gosh I have watery eyes reading this… I feel it so deeply and although we have made the transition already I still mourn what u had with my first. But seeing them play, and watching my eldest step into this incredible role as a big sister has been beautiful )and challenging)… I wrote a similar letter to my eldest the night before her sister was born… I’ve not read it back since but I think maybe u will. Thank you for sharing this in honour of women and sisterhood and as part of this beautiful web of writing. X

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